Wednesday, 28 August 2019

What am I doing, Wednesdays

This is the second series of blogs I am introducing. The plan is to have one of these each month. These entries will be about my latest book, whatever that is. Work in Progress or WIP is the term that people seem to use. Because I work on several projects at a time, I will choose just one project to give you a progress report on.
 So inspiration is the theme for today.

I will tell you about a few of the places that gave me the inspiration to write 'Death of a Pilgrim’.

I make-up most of the places and all of the people in ‘Death of a Pilgrim’. They are figments of my imagination, that's the best part of writing, the chance to invent things. They are, however, often inspired by some of the things I love about Galicia or places we visit.
A favourite resting place  for pilgrims

The terrace of a bar in the hills above Sarria
The book starts at Raoul's bar, an isolated bar and restaurant in the hills between Triacastela and Sarria. Unfortunately, neither Raoul nor his bar exists in reality. But there are many bars on the Camino to find some inspiration or while away an afternoon.

The Camino itself is both varied and beautiful, and it’s here that Richard finds most of the inspiration he needs to paint. This section is enclosed and shaded, which is a nice contrast to the far-reaching views of the more exposed sections.
A section of Camino

Clamshell waymarker
There is little danger of getting lost with these delightful way-markers. The clamshell is the symbol of the Camino. Many pilgrims attach one to their rucksack

Next time I'll tell you a little more about the some of the places that feature in the book-

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What am I doing Wednesday. Editing and Carnival

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