I am well underway with the first draft of Mass Murder which is the follow-up to Death of a Pilgrim. Once again Richard Harris is pulled out of retirement. This time to investigate the murders of four English speaking priests on the Camino de Santiago. He is now a wheelchair user which he is certain will prevent him from leading his team of investigators. His friend and now his boss Miguel Lopez is equally certain that a mobility issue is not really a hindrance for this kind of police work. Things get complicated when a new victim is found, with a personal link to Miguel.
The story is shaping up well and I hope that I can do the issues that come up justice. I am a fairly inexperienced writer to be taking on some of the themes that I plan to introduce. It is because I am aware of this that I have spent some of my time looking into what makes an author, over and above the technical definition.
Some people think it is to do with accolades, major literary prizes and such. Some think it's about being signed up with a prestigious publishing house others thinks it's about achieving a certain level of income. To be honest, I would be happy with any of the above. One thing that was quoted over and over again, in different places, attributed to at least three different well-known authors was a variation on the theme that you have have to have written one million words to call yourself an Author. Some said it was published words some left it at words, sometimes blogs and short stories were counted sometimes not. So this is my new challenge
The One Million Word Challenge.
I am counting blogs and stories that are published or about to be, but nothing else, so writing a shopping list or minutes for a meeting won't count. Every blog from now on will have an update to the total, I can't wait to see how long it takes to get there. Some of the totals will be estimates but I have rounded down rather than up in all cases.
So the number of words is currently at.
So I had better get writing...