Thursday, 18 April 2019

Failure at every turn.

Since my last Blog post only a few days ago, I have to report two pretty significant fails.
I reported that I had negotiated the Amazon system to create a book promotion week for The chalice of Saint Bee. I was so pleased with myself. As you all know Pride comes before a fall. Although I have a countdown promotion running in the United States at this very moment, I did not manage the same for the UK. I also got the prices entirely wrong.
You will be pleased to know that I have tried again.  I hope that the promotion in the UK starts on the 20th.
The relevant information is:
 17-20 April 99cents
20-24 April 1.99
Amazon UK
20-27 April 99p for the whole week.

I can promise nothing as I am not quite sure what I did wrong the first time.

The Other fail. This Blog.
 It has caused some interesting discussion in my writer's group.
Not edited well enough, not professional enough, not clear enough.
All true.
My first reaction was to think that I had better abandon the idea of having a writers blog for the following reasons;

  • I don’t know enough.

 Either about selling books or about editing. My knowledge of grammar is adequate but not good enough. I need to look things up all the time.

  • Time.

I cannot spend two weeks editing every blog entry, by the time I felt it was just right it would be out of date.  I want to finish my book. A book, of course, which also needs editing and which is very time-consuming.

  • Professional Face of me as an author.

 If the Blog is acting a promotional site, the entries acting a sample of my writing.  I would need to spend the time required to edit to a professional standard.
 But what would I write about? I simply don’t know enough about the profession.
 I am not the sort of person who has a professional Persona, so I can't give you rose-tinted glimpses of a well-ordered life. I am me, just me.

It cannot be a promotional site then.

There will be a blog.

So if this Blog does not exist purely for promoting books, does it have another purpose?

It will function primarily as a personal diary. It will record the ups and downs, the frustrations and the joys.

The style of writing has to reflect my personality because it will tell my story. My stories will be different in the way that they are written, in I hope the style will be appropriate for the story I am telling. (I don't have sufficient experience to be certain of that). 

It will be about writing, but not how to write.

 I will endeavour to make it as clear as I can without editing it in the way I would edit a book. I trust that I will get better as time goes on but you will walk with me. If you know something about Grammar or Clarity of writing or sentence construction or style that I obviously don’t, then tell me.

It might be a little bit muddled with overlong sentences, but then so am I.

My books, of course, will be promoted on the site but there will be more.

I will tell you what goes on in the background. Why I do things the way I do. I will tell you what it feels like and how often I end the day in tears. What the mechanics are, and why I wake up at two in the morning thinking of solutions to problems that I don’t yet have.

I hope that my readers are aspiring writers who want to share frustrations and joys, experienced writers who want to laugh and to remember what it used to be like. People curious about it all works are welcome as well.
I am looking for fellow pilgrims who will walk this road alongside me.
Reading the blog will be a way of meeting me, for anyone who would like to do that.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

A Number of Firsts

As is appropriate for spring, I am celebrating a number of firsts this month. I hope you will celebrate with me.
It might be spring but it's raining.

The poem I wrote for the Good Life in Galicia competition, celebrates four of those firsts.

  •   It was the first thing I have written seriously for someone else to read. (I don’t count school here.)
  •   The first time that I have entered an open competition.
  •   The first time I have won anything for writing.
  •   The first time I have had something in print.  I don’t include digital short stories here.
   The anthology is called The Good Life In Galicia and is available on Amazon in ebook format or on Smashwords in printed and ebook format.
   It has a variety of stories poems and anecdotes about life in Galicia.
  The first full meeting of our writers' group rather grandly entitled The Writers Guild of Galicia happened this week. Three of us at the moment but another member has just joined, so growing. We are planning to support and encourage each other whilst we are writing. Our goal is to be able to make a living through writing, so we are serious. Some of us are almost there some of us, like me, have a long way to go
Our choice of venue must mean something

We are pretty keen though.
I have completely rewritten The Chalice of Saint Bee and designed a new cover. This is a first because I managed to negotiate the Amazon system to do it. The system is designed to be straight forward but I am a bit of a klutz at anything technical.  The first time I do anything I invariably fail. I am, most definitely, a slow learner and tend to panic when given a set of instructions. Something always goes wrong. I even got one of my O level papers sent back because I got my name wrong.
   Now I know that anything can be changed. I can safely say that if you read anything of mine and discover a problem with editing and/ or formatting tell me. I can now change it and send you the updated copy.
   To celebrate I am running a countdown offer in the US and UK, so for 3 days starting on the 17th April, The chalice will be available for just 99 cents or 76 pence (Depending on exchange rates). Of course, it’s always free to read on Amazon unlimited.
I probably should count learning about Amazon special offers as another first.

The last first is the way I am writing this blog. Always before, I have written straight into Blogger; no edits, no changes. This post I am writing in Scrivener so that I can plan my posts in advance and edit them before publication. In theory, they should better. Please note though I am not a professional editor and my grasp of grammar is sketchy. However, as with the books, I am open to suggestions. Because I can plan these I feel a bit more relaxed about writing them. I know that some of you love to find missing full stops and misplaced apostrophes. So fire away.
    Editing and rewriting is the skill that I am currently learning and like everything, there is a steep learning curve. I am surprised to find that I am enjoying it immensely. For some reason, I previously believed that once something was written it shouldn’t be changed, other than for spelling and grammar. It was almost as though there was some sort of magic spell attached. I am still worried in my heart of hearts that people will laugh at me. When I have worked hard on something and it’s the best I can do. What happens if  someone laughs and metaphorically pats me on the head like a child. Would I be left so humiliated I would never recover? I might be about to find out. (I pose this as a question Because being patronised and laughed at happens to me all too frequently.)
  I am now finding that you can play endlessly with words until I turn them into something that I like (emphasis on the I here) . Although the process is fun, like everything else, it might take me some time to get the hang of it.

What am I doing Wednesday. Editing and Carnival

Editing. That one-word answer to ‘What I am I doing’? is all you need to know. Except to say that I find talking about editing about as e...